It’s been a game-changer for our company...
It’s been a game-changer for our company now that we have immediate access to Westech’s support team anytime we need them. They’re knowledgeable on all aspects of IT and when a question or issue comes up, they’re just a call away. And unlike other IT firms we’ve worked with in the past, Westech gives us nearly full coverage and support for our entire IT infrastructure, including design, hardware, OS, backup, email, and security.

The response time…is off the charts (in a good way)
The response time between when I encounter a problem and when Westech responds is off the charts (in a good way!) I can’t tell you how comforting it is to know that any IT problem won’t be a problem for long. As a business leader, I also rely heavily on their quarterly reviews. They don’t just help me stay proactive, they give me the tools I need to plan and reach each one of my business goals. Make the switch to Westech. You won’t regret it!

I get peace of mind...
Since switching to Westech, I get the peace of mind knowing that all of my IT needs are being monitored and handled in a timely and professional manner. Our previous IT firm just didn’t have enough resources to manage the growing needs of our company. Westech offers everything I need, and more. If you’re running into that same problem, you should strongly consider making the switch.

Westech Solutions made it simple.
The task of migrating your company over to a new cloud accounting software can be overwhelming. Westech Solutions made it simple. Their efficiency, flexibility, and technical competence helped us complete the project on time while ensuring that our data was transferred safely each step of the way. Knowing that really reduced my anxiety level throughout the project.

They help us leverage new technology so that our business actually moves forward.
Westech offers more than network support, they help us leverage new technology so that our business actually moves forward. Each service they provide feels like it’s custom-built for us which means we don’t have to worry about changing our business to fit their services. If you’re unsure about your current IT provider or looking to hire one for the first time, let Westech do a quick analysis and send over a free proposal. You’ll immediately see the benefit of what they can do for you.

Budgeting for IT can be time-consuming and confusing. Westech did all the heavy lifting for us by creating an easy-to-understand IT Roadmap.
Budgeting for IT can be time-consuming and confusing. Westech Solutions did all the heavy lifting for us by creating an easy-to-understand IT Roadmap. It instantly helped us understand where we needed to get to as a company and how to get there. Now, my team is able to put together budgets that are timely and accurate. This makes our entire company run more efficiently which makes me feel great.